Centre Information

Hours of Operation

Chuckles Childcare operates between the hours of
6.30am to 6.00pm,
Monday to Friday.

We are open 51 weeks a year, and will be closed on all public holidays.
Payment is required for all days booked, which includes; holidays, public holidays, absences due to sickness and personal absences.

The only exceptions where families are not charged are: the 6 closed days during the Christmas Holidays (25th December to 1st January)..

EarlyWorks Parent App

Families will be invited to join ‘EarlyWorks’ when their child starts at the centre and will only be active whilst they are attending.

The ‘EarlyWorks’ app is a comprehensive early childhood programming, documentation, portfolio and family communication system. Families can share photos and documents from home, and educators can share documents, and where permission is granted, photos from the service. This form of collaboration strengthens the connections between Chuckles and their families and ensures all family members can be involved in their child’s learning.

When a child leaves the centre, their EarlyWorks profile will stay available for 7 days, then it will be archived.

All Weather Centre

Chuckles Childcare is an all-weather centre. Children learn through experiences from all different climates and as we promote being a sun smart centre, we also promote winter fun. By providing your children with a water proof jacket and gumboots, they will be able to explore their environment on light rainy days.

What to Wear

Please dress your child in clothing that is comfortable and does not restrict play. Practical lose fitting clothing is best “no overalls/dungarees” as these are difficult during toileting. Chuckles Childcare is a sun smart centre which means all children are required to wear tops that cover their shoulders. Singlets and shoe string sundresses are not permitted. All children should be able to participate in and enjoy the activities on offer, so please do not dress them in their best outfits, they are here to have fun. Our moto is: ‘A dirty kid, is a happy kid’.  

Family Participation

Parents are encouraged to be involved in the center as much as possible. This can be achieved by; sharing a skill such as singing and/or playing a musical instrument, offering your support at parent meetings or by participating during the day (special occasions) and experiencing the various activities undertaken by the children. Parent help is encouraged during term 2, 3 & 4 from 9.30am to 11am (within the preschool groups only).  

Parent Committee

Chuckles Childcare encourages their families to contribute to their child’s learning, by collaborating with management about the education and learning activities provided by the educators. We value the experiences and preferences of our families and invite them to read our policies, procedures and other relevant forms of communications. We value ideas and requests and incorporate them into the Chuckles Childcare environment. Together we can provide an inclusive and supportive childcare centre that, accommodates for; regulated directives, philosophy and pedagogy based decisions and individual choices.

Information Available to Families

Chuckles Childcare offers information and support to all families regarding: Child Health And Safety, the curriculum, documentation, support agencies, environment set up centre management, and all other aspects relating to childcare. Families are welcome to take available brochures which are located in the foyer. Relevant posters and information will be displayed within the foyer and in our community display cabinet.

Our Team

Proprietor/Director (Ann)

Qualified Early Years Teacher, Diploma in Childcare and Cert III in Childcare Educators:

All our educators have a recognised qualification as specified in the Education & Care Services National Regulations and Law (WA) Act. Each room has a friendly and consistent mature team of educators that can be recognised by a uniform and badge.

The centre will sometimes employ young trainee educators that will be working towards a childcare qualification. Photos of all staff members are located in the foyer and within their classrooms. Employed educators will obtain; a first aid certificate, federal police clearance, working with children’s check (w.w.c.c) and a medical certificate.

Students/trainees and volunteers:

During each year we host a number of students from various University’s ,Tafe’s and/or Schools to help them with their studies. They can be recognised by the wearing of red tabards. In turn this gives us an opportunity to share ideas and keep us up to date with new practices. All students and volunteers are carefully screened before starting at the centre and will always be supervised by a permanent member of staff.

Relief staff:

Regular relief staff are employed on a casual basis to cover staff holidays & sickness.

Staff and grouping:

The children are split into six classrooms, where over time, they will progress from one age group to another. Transition forms will be completed before your child moves classrooms. This will be done in collaboration between parents and educators, whilst focusing on individual needs, developmental stages and what is best for the child.

If at any time you have questions about your child’s development and well-being, our educators are always available to have a discussion with you. However, we do ask that you talk to the room leader about any development or behaviour concerns. You can also arrange a private meeting.

If you have any queries or concerns, please speak with the office staff or alternatively you can phone us on Ph: 9593 8816 or send an email to director@chuckleschildcare.com.au. If we don’t know there is a problem, we cannot address it.