Fireflies (Kindy Room) & Dragonflies (PreSchool Room)
The Kindy Room and Preschool Room give our children the opportunity to expand their love of learning, build on their knowledge and develop their ability to socialise. All of these are important tools in becoming ‘school ready’. Our Early Years Teacher delivers a curriculum that is guided by the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Framework. The combination of these, provides
a strong focus based learning for children to become more independent and reach their own individual potential.
Parents are asked to provide the following items each day their child attend:
- Water bottle
- Sun hat (bucket or legionnaire)
- Change of clothing (labeled) in a clearly marked bag (non plastic) including socks and jumper for cold days and gumboots and water proof jackets for rainy days.
- Wet Bag (for wet or soiled accidents)
- Families are kindly asked to donate a piece of fruit daily for Crunch & Sip.
Preschool children can use the red sun hats that are provided by Chuckles Childcare, which are washed daily. Each child is encouraged to put their piece of fruit in the bowl, place their water bottle in the tray and put their bag in the locker with their name card daily.
The Dragonflies Room run a 'school readiness program' each day between 9am and 3pm. We kindly ask for children to arrive before the 9am register, as it is important children become familiar with class routines in preparation of attending school.
Art Room
The program in the Art Room will be guided by each classroom that attends and will be based on the needs and interests of the children. The provision of an art room gives the children a space where they are free to express their creativity, communicate their ideas, experiment with materials and try new things. It also gives them a way to express and comprehend their feelings and fosters critical thinking and emotional intelligence.
We encourage all children to become responsible for their own personal belongings. Please dress your child in clothing that is easy for them to remove as we encourage children to undress and dress themselves when using the bathroom. To prevent accidents, please do not dress them in overalls, tights, stockings, jeans, belts or tight fitting clothes. Pre-school t-shirts can be purchased so that children feel they belong and do not need to worry about getting dirty.
Sleep time
Mattresses are provided for children to rest between 12.30am and 2pm. All sheets and blankets are provided by the centre and washed regularly in our centre laundry. Sleep patterns may vary as group care does have many distraction but educators will do their best to follow parent’s request.
Children will not be forced to sleep but encouraged to rest. Children who do not sleep will be able to participate in quiet activities within the classroom. However, parents who request a child not to sleep must acknowledge that at times some children may require a short nap due to recovering from an illness or busy weekend. Cosy corners are provided for children who wish to rest at other times during the day, (as per Education and Care Services National Regulations 84a sleep and rest).
Four disposable nappies are to be provided each day, baby wipes are provided by the centre. If you would like your child to have nappy cream applied, a medication form must be completed before it can be used.
Toilet training
Please dress you child in clothing that is easy for them to remove. Please no overalls, tights, stockings, jeans, belts or tight fitting clothes during this process. Children will be praised with stickers, stamps and words of encouragement. Helpful leaflets are available to assist families in the process. Sleep nappies must be provided if parents require these for their child’s sleep/rest time..
Communication - Early Works
Early Works is our online system which allows communication between educators and families. This should be referred to daily and can inform you of your child’s: sleep, meals, toileting and daily activities. Families are encouraged to use EarlyWorks to share information regarding your child’s health, routines, personal goals or family events. Please be advised that we are unable to constantly respond to messages, so if it’s urgent, then we advise you phone the centre directly on Ph: (08) 9593 8816.
Personal items
We discourage parents from bringing food, lollies and toys to the centre. We understand that many children like to bring in their own toys, however ‘sharing’ these items can be a difficult concept for young children to grasp. The centre takes no responsibility for lost or broken items. To avoid the loss of personal items, which are brought into the centre, please make sure they are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Each classroom has its own lost property box for all unlabeled found items. All unclaimed class items will be moved to the foyer stand at the end of each month, then donated to St Vincent’s charity shop on the 20th of each month.Sometimes children accidently take the centre’s toys/hats home in bags and pockets. We kindly ask that you return any items to an educator so we can clean and place them away. Replacing ‘lost’ items is very expensive.